A General's Diary of Treasured Recipes was originally published in 1953. This Cookbook Collectors Library reprint from the 70s recaptures this first cookbook of Brigadier General Frank Dorn.
Format: Hardcover, 341 pages.
Copyright: 1953, 1970s reprint
Publisher: Cookbook Collectors Library
Author: Brigadier General Frank Dorn
Description: This is not intended to be a cookbook in the usual sense. It is a collection of recipes, many of which are not original. They are the favorites of Brigadier General Frank Dorn and were either collected or invented during the course of many years of eating and drinking in many places.
If you use these recipes and suggested menus, all of which you yourself can succeed in whipping together, you will break away forever from the chicken-and-peas, fruit salad, and pie a la mode circuit.
Condition: Good condition. Name and date inscribed in ink in opening blank page.